Category: <span>Competitions</span>

Last week, I was lucky enough to participate in and actually win the Western Europe final of this year’s Angostura competition. While I’m still struggling to believe it, I’m also…

Competitions Drinks News Trade

After being postponed due to Corona,‘s own Made in GSA competition took place in Cologne on the 31 VIII 2020. They received 80 applications, and selected 10 bartenders to…

Competitions Drinks non alcoholic drinks

The Bronx is somewhat of an odd drink: It falls into the same category of vermouth-orange juice drinks like the Blood and Sand that always take some tinkering to make…

Brands Competitions Drinks

Brands Competitions Drinks Ingredients News People Trade

Little Red Door in Paris launched a revolutionary new cocktail menu, to much acclaim and attention from the industry. The Cocktail Lovers got a few pictures on their site. Speaking…

Competitions News


Sasha Petraske, the founder of Milk & Honey, passed away. With the cocktail renaissance being a recent phenomenon, he’s one of the first big names to pass away. Because…

Competitions News Trade

This article is one in a series of six. Here I present the winning Bacardi Legacy cocktail of the last six competitions. Starting today with the first winner, the Mulata Daisy…

Competitions Drinks

Competitions News

The Bacardi Legacy Switzerland competition was launched yesterday in the Blaue Ente in Zurich. Invited were Chris Moore from the Beaufort Bar in London, Shervene Shahbazkhani, the new North European brand…

Competitions People